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Purpose (Who is this for? Why are we here?)

There are somehow simultaneously too many yet too few resources on the internet for people looking to learn the nuances of ultimate. For the past twenty years, the members of the global frisbee community have generated an immense wealth of tutorial content. A lot of this content is relevant to players & coaches while some of it has become outdated as the game has evolved. Finding what you need for your own practice and growth however, is a constant nightmare.

The sea of online ultimate knowledge is divided into ten-or-so paid subscription services (half of which are no longer producing new content), hundreds of free videos/podcast episodes, and countless articles/blog posts/reddit rants. Someone looking for tips on how to play vertical stack might sift through several articles with each one describing a different flavor of vert offense, only to learn about the existence of side-stack which looks similar but in reality quite different in execution. Thus sending them down another google rabbit-hole and leaving them more confused than they started.

Hopefully by having access to this wiki, a newer player or coach can get answers to most basic questions they have regarding the tactics surrounding ultimate or learn where they can look to get more detailed explanations. Additionally, I want this catalog to facilitate new ideas and discussion among more experienced players. Ultimate is an extremely deep game with a wide variety of skills and strategies to leverage. Teams are constantly experimenting with new throws, set plays, and defensive schemes, which is one of the reasons why there is such an overwhelming number of tutorials online. In no way am I the most knowledgeable person about frisbee—there is an abundance of coaches and players that are more skilled and experienced than I, and my understanding of the game has plenty of biases stemming from my experience as a player. I hope to share some of my unconventional opinions on frisbee strategy and readers can ultimately decide what works best for them and their team.